May 24Liked by Rachel Kovac

These are great reminders! Can’t wait to listen and also read Jen’s book!

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I feel like no matter where we are in our parenting, these gentle reminders can be helpful. Jen's comment about eye contact really spoke to me. There is so much to do as a homeschooling mom, and my kids and I talk a lot while we are working. But taking that extra intentionality to make eye contact is so special.

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May 24Liked by Rachel Kovac

I made note of that comment as well. And you’re right about no matter what stage of parenting…I have one that’s living away from home now, one that just graduated, and I’m embarking on a new journey next year only having one with me all day. Our rhythms and habits continue to be so important.

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Wow, that is such a big transition. I sometimes think about what that will be like for me one day when it’s just Maeve at home. Congratulations to your new graduate! <3

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May 26Liked by Rachel Kovac

We are definitely wading into different waters! And thank you!! 💕

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I enjoyed this deeply! I also enjoyed your podcast conversation. I’ve not had a chance to read her book and this has definitely made me want to add it to my “to be read” pile. Thank you for your continued inspiration!❤️

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I appreciate you, Tanisha! I'm so glad to see you are writing here!

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May 23Liked by Rachel Kovac

Love this post so much!

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Aww, thanks, Mom! ♥️

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You two encourage me so much. I feel like rhythm doesn't have to be a dirty word-- I'm learning to embrace the flow of it as I mother my little brood. It's always nice to have something to look forward to!

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You are so natural and good at it! You once talked about laying clothes out the night before church, which is helpful advice for busy mornings!

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May 23Liked by Rachel Kovac

I’m reading Habits for a Sacred Home right now and I love it so much! This interview was such a fun read- love you ladies so much! Thank you for all you do to inspire and teach! Rachel, did I ever tell you that Jen was the person who gave me the confidence to finally quit my teaching job and move forward with homeschooling!? I bought her Peaceful Preschool guide 7 years ago and never looked back!

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Elle, I never knew this about you! Wow, that is so cool! And now look at the ways this has impacted not only your family but also your local community and our world. Isn't it amazing how interconnected we are? Jen's decision to launch the peaceful press impacted your life and, through your life, the lives of so many others! I love you, Elle!

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